Schedule of Courses: Statistics: 2020-2021


Please note that curriculum leave plans for AY 2025-2026 are still under review, and have not yet been approved. Courses and their corresponding quarter are subject to change. Any/all changes will be closely monitored, and regularly updated below. We anticipate final approval by mid-April 2025.

Click on the section name to visit the web page for that section, or the course name to see all offerings of the course.

To reference a comprehensive list of all BE renumbered courses, please see:

Please note that the course schedule and offerings are subject to change.

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Lower Division
Fall 2020 Winter 2021 Spring 2021 Summer 2021
STAT5: Statistics
  • Section 01
    Marcela Alfaro-Córdoba (macordob)
  • Section 02
    Marcela Alfaro-Córdoba (macordob)
    Cally Lin (clin125)
STAT7: Statistical Methods for the Biological, Environmental, and Health Sciences
STAT7L: Statistical Methods for the Biological, Environmental, and Health Sciences Laboratory
STAT17: Statistical Methods for Business and Economics
STAT17L: Statistical Methods for Business and Economics Laboratory
STAT80A: Gambling and Gaming
STAT80B: The Art of Data Visualization
Upper Division
Fall 2020 Winter 2021 Spring 2021 Summer 2021
STAT108: Linear Regression
STAT131: Introduction to Probability Theory
STAT132: Classical and Bayesian Inference
  • Section 01
    Thanasis Kottas (thanos)
    Peter Randolph Trubey (ptrubey)
STAT155: Methods in Data Science
Fall 2020 Winter 2021 Spring 2021 Summer 2021
STAT200: Research and Teaching in Statistics
STAT202: Linear Models in SAS
STAT203: Introduction of Probability Theory
STAT204: Introduction to Statistical Data Analysis
STAT205: Introduction to Classical Statistical Learning
STAT205B: Intermediate Classical Inference
STAT206: Applied Bayesian Statistics
STAT206B: Intermediate Bayesian Inference
STAT207: Intermediate Bayesian Statistical Modeling
STAT208: Linear Statistical Models
STAT209: Generalized Linear Models
STAT222: Bayesian Nonparametric Methods
STAT223: Time Series Analysis
STAT224: Bayesian Survival Analysis and Clinical Trial Design
STAT225: Multivariate Statistical Methods
STAT226: Spatial Statistics
STAT227: Statistical Learning and High Dimensional Data Analysis
STAT229: Advanced Bayesian Computation
STAT243: Stochastic Processes
STAT244: Bayesian Decision Theory
STAT246: Probability Theory with Markov Chains
STAT266A: Data Visualization and Statistical Programming in R
STAT266B: Advanced Statistical Programming in R
STAT266C: Introduction to Data Wrangling
STAT280B: Seminars in Statistics
  • Section 01
    Richard Li (zli439)
    Claudia Wehrhahn (cwehrhah)
STAT280D: Seminar in Bayesian Statistical Methodology
STAT291: Advanced Topics in Bayesian Statistics