CSE121: Embedded System Design
The design and use of microprocessor-based embedded systems. Covers microprocessor and microcontroller architecture, programming techniques, bus and memory organization, DMA, timing issues, interrupts, peripheral devices, serial and parallel communication, and interfacing to analog and digital systems. (Formerly offered as Microprocessor System Design, and formerly two courses, CMPE 121 and CMPE 121L.) Prerequisite(s): CSE 12, CSE 12L, CSE 100, CSE 100L; and CSE 13E or CSE 13S or CSE 15 and CSE 15L; and ECE 101, ECE 101L, PHYS 5C and PHYS 5N.7 credits
Year | Fall | Winter | Spring | Summer |
2024-25 |
2025-26 |
2023-24 |
2022-23 |
2021-22 |
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